Consolidated Achievement Registry

One Version of the Truth for All Tracked Items

The Consolidated Achievement Registry or CAR, captures and records achievements from anywhere and even allows the migration of user data from an existing LMS. Achievements can include, for example, tertiary education certificates, previous employer’s compliance training, online courses, or a user’s own initiated upskilling completed in their own time – the origins are limitless.

The Consolidated Achievement Registry ensures ensures a central place where all learning and compliance activities are recorded and referenced from, irrespective of origin.

Skypiom Compliance’s Consolidated Achievement Registry solves the problem of fragmented record keeping and therefore manual tracking in an elegant and easy to use solution. 

Consolidated Achievements Registry

Automatic Updating

The creation of CAR records can happen automatically when integrated

Manual Updating

If no integration is possible then CAR records can be manually created

Certificates & Badges

Upload and link certificates and badges for verification purposes or as a reference

CPD Tracking

Use CAR to manage and track CPD initiatives with flexible parameters